Migrating to Azure with USMTGUI user Profile Handler
USMTGUI is what it states. A GUI to simplify the usage of USMT from Microsoft....
But as the world moves on towards the cloud, along with (at least parts of) Microsoft, one thing has become obvious.
Microsoft has not made, or even plan to make, USMT or another tool capable of migrating data and settings over to Azure users.
However, probably more than ever before, people want to bring their emails, pics, documents, application settings, browser cached passwords etc.
over to their new user or new PC, whether it be a domestic or AzureAD account..
Please however be advised that it temporarily takes some room on the drive, as the profile will be restored to USMTtmpUSER and then migrated over to the Azure user from there.
The USMTGUI Azure Migration Engine will specifically migrate:
User data, desktop, app settings, including POP and imap mail setting and mails, and browser favorites + at least Firefox cached passwords. That's more or less that :-)
- No exchange mail settings or .OST file as it doesn't migrate but must resync at login.
- No OneDrive settings if the old setup is with OneDrive (as OneDrive will also always resync.)
In many cases when you move to Azure, you simply join the Workgroup- or Domain PC to Azure and login with the Azure user.
In such a scenario what you really want to do, is just copy over the files and settings from the old user and move on...
USMTGUI now does it for you :-)
In cases where you do NOT want to migrate fx mail settings, OneDrive files, installed printers or mapped network drives,
you simply just deselect them, prior to the migration.
All Corporate editions of USMTGUI v. 10.19 and onward can migrate to Azure!
If you want to do a deeper diagnostics then start a command prompt as computer's System account:
psexec -s -i cmd.exe
That will elevate you to system account privileges.
now run the following command:
dsregcmd /join /debug
That will output all the behind the scenes join progress.
to keep on testing with the same machine you can also remove the computer from the AzureAD by typing:
dsregcmd /leave /debug
You can also remove the computer from the AzureAD portal.
About USMTGUI Versions
Is the USMTGUI program for local installation.
USMTGUI Pro – With USMTGUI Offline
USMTGUI Pro also is for local installation and in addition contains USMTGUI Offline.
USMTGUI Offline migrates users from for instance an offline windows.Old installation folder or an installation on a disk connected through a USB disk connector.
- Also Includes USMTGUI Resque boot ISO to boot systems with boot failure and migrate the user profile
Includes the above installers and a super versatile USMTGUI St.Alone.exe, capable of running directly of a USB or network disk.
USMTGUI Pro Plus Open
Includes the above and a zipped version USMTGUI St.Alone.zip, capable of running directly of a USB or network disk.
USMTGUI St.Alone.zip allows for usage of your own Custom xml files, automatization and extended logs
USMTGUI Corporate
Includes the above and capability to migrate from and to Domain accounts and to Azure.
USMTGUI Corporate is licensed for usage by all technicians within a Company.
--- See the USMTGUI Functionality matrix Disclaimer:
EhlerTech and USMTGUI cannot be held liable for any lacking abilities by USMT to migrate all settings.
However we will work closely with you to mitigate any isues!