Other EhlerTech Programs

EhlerTech Projects

During my everyday work I often stumble upon tasks that for some reason are really difficult to solve or just tedious to get by.

Here I have collected some of my recent projects, two regarding Print servers, one running Programs as another user (Administrator) on the same PC,
a CodeSigning App and a simple app showing MSI codes for MSI files.

1. Code Signer GUI with drag and drop.
2. Automated print server queue installations
3. Setting print queue access rights on Print servers and
4. Admin Impersonator. A pop-up toolbar capable of running programs as another user.
5. MSI Code Viewer

CodeSigner GUI

For easy code signing of .Exe, .Dll, and .Ps1 files
So what is the CodeSigner GUI? Basically just a GUI to easily code sign your software. So CodeSigner does not come with neither a signtool or a certificate!!

As many a frustrated Administrator has experienced, after FINALLY getting some program or piece of code finished, users or customers get a warning that the software is insecure to download and run.

You need to certify your software with a Code Signing certificate!
If you work internally in a company you can probably request a certificate in the IT department.
If you create programs to strangers you will need a quality code signing certificate from a vendor like Verisign or Globalsign.

After installing the certificate and installing Signtool, part of the Windows SDK, you're ready to use the Code signer GUI.

Download the CodeSigner GUI

Admin Impersonator v.2.

So what is Admin Impersonator? Well, consider Admin Impersonator a simple "Run As" menu bar.

Admin Impersonator is mainly for IT Administrators growing weary of repeatedly starting programs "Run as different User"
It is a rather simple tool to use. You simply add the needed programs and add the account you want the programs run under.

If "Auto close" is ticked, Admin Impersonator will just close as soon as you've selected what program to start.
Some will find Admin Impersonator a complete waste of time. But decide for your self.

Admin Impersonator is free to download and use.

Note running MSC files
To run a .msc (management console) file, drag C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe over to Admin Impersonator.
Then select the MMC entry, and at the bottom, 1. add the path to the .msc file, 2. tick the Run with 'CMD /C start /B' and 3. click "Add"

Download Admin Impersonator x64

MSI Code Viewer

The MSI code viewer I use A LOT :-)

As a Deployment specialist I build a lot of trivial packages and for that I need the MSI code of the programs.

Just unpack the Zip in some local folder and run MSI Code Viewer when needed..

Download MSI Code Viewer

Print Queue Access Rights Manager.

The Network Printer ACL manager is an attempt to simplify simultaneous printer rights management on multible printers. Basically you set up a Print queue with the Groups/Users you want to apply to other print queues and then push the selecected settings to any group of print queues.

OBS: Please note that the Access rights manager utilizes Helge Kleins SetACLexe
To use this GUI you therefore need to download SetACL.exe and place it in the same folder as the Print Queue Access Rights Manager GUI.

Download the Print Queue Access Rights Manager

The Network Printer Installer.

The network Printer installer let's you
1. create print queues with just a few clicks,
2. simultaniously on more printservers, or
3. as bulk installations reading from a CSV file.

(3) By using Martin Pugh's Printer Export Powershell script you can easily export all print queues on an old printserver to a CSV file, edit details like drivers, share names etc. and then let PrintSvrInst import the CSV file.

Download The Network Printer Installer